Publikationen des Institutes für Thermodynamik


  • J. Hagedorn, R. Kahlfeld (2024): Verbrauchsgesteuerte Nutzung einer 370 m tiefen CO2-Phasenwechselsonde zur Gebäudebeheizung8. GWE Technik-Forum "Brunnenbau und Geothermie"", 25.01.2024"
  • J. Hollmann, M. Nozinski, S. Kabelac (2023): Model Predictive Control Strategies for the Dynamic Operation of LNG-fueled SOFC Systems in Marine Applications with Anode Off-Gas Recirculation4th International Conference on Modelling and Optimisation of Ship Energy Systems, 26./27.10.2023, Delft (NL)
  • Kahlfeld, R.; Meyer, I.; Meßmann, C.; Lachmayer, J.; Thies, N.; Ehlers, T.; Lachmayer, R.; Kabelac, S.: (2023): Strukturen in additiv gefertigten Wärmeübertragern — Parameterbasierte Generierung und messtechnische Charakterisierung innerer Gitterstrukturen zur Verbesserung des WärmeübergangsDeutsche Kälte-und Klimatagung 2023, Hannover, 22.-24.11.23
  • L. Kamphaus, D. Khayyat, R. Kahlfeld, J. Hagedorn, S. Kabelac, B. Glasmacher (2023): Development of a Numerical Simulation Model for Continuous Floating Cryopreservation of Red Blood Cell ConcentrateProbl Cryobiol Cryomed 2023; Vol. 33 (Issue 4) S. 286 - 23.05.2023 (online conference)
  • X. Luo, S. Kabelac (2023): Numerical and experimental investigation of temperature fluctuation on the plate surface induced by a coaxial jet flowIHTC-17, Cape Town, South Africa
  • M. Fuchs, N. Lubos, W. Bender, P. Schwarz, S. Kabelac (2023): Experimental investigation of additively manufactured high-temperature heat exchangersIHTC-17, Aug. 14-18, 2023, Cape Town, South Africa
    DOI: 10.1615/IHTC17.190-170
  • A. Rex, J. Hollmann, J. Witte, D. Härter, J. Brauns, P. Trinke, B. Bensman, A. Lindermeir, R. Hanke-Rauschenbach, S. Kabelac, T. Turek (2023): An Open-Source Modeling Tool for Alkaline (AEL), Proton Exchange Membrane (PEMEL), and Solid Oxide (SOEL) Water Electrolysis SystemsInternational Conference on Electrolysis (ICE), Sun City, South Africa. 27.8.-1.9.23, InnoEly Consortium (Poster)
  • M. Willke, S. Kabelac (2023): Impact of coupled transport mechanisms on the performance of a PEM based thermoelekctric energy converterEFCF 2023 (Low-Temp. Fuel Cells, Electrolysers & H2 Processing, 4-7 Juli 2023, Lucerne Switzerland (Poster)
  • S. Wendt, S. Kabelac (2023): Experimental setup for the measurement of condensation heat transfer coefficients on structured testing surfacesIHTC-17, Aug. 14-18, 2023, Cape Town, South Africa (Poster)
  • Conrad Zimmermann, N. Lubos, S. Kabelac (2023): New Superposition Approach for the Prediction of Zeotropic Mixture Condensation11th ICBCHT, Int. Conference Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer 2023, Edinburgh, May 15-17, 2023 (Poster)
  • A. Gedik (2022): 1D Modeling of an Electrolyte Supported Planar SOFC with 8YSZ and 10Sc1CeSZ based on Non-Equilibrium ThermodynamicsEHCF 2022, 15th European SOFC & SOE Forum, July 6-8, 2022 - Luzern (Poster)
  • Hollmann, J.; Fuchs, M.; Kabelac, S. (2022): Progress in the Development of LNG and Diesel-fueled SOFC Systems for Maritime Applications (Reserach Project MultiSchIBZ)15th European SOFC & SOE Forum (EFCF 2022), July 6-8 2022, Luzern
  • Zimmermann, C.; Dagli, C.N.; Hesse, J.; Martensen, M.; Kabelac, S. (2022): Experimental investigation of heat and mass transfer during ethanol-water mixture condensation in a vertical double pipeAnnual Meeting of ProcessNet Subject Division Heat and Mass Transfer 2022, 18.-20.07.2022, Würzburg
  • M. Loth, S. Kabelac (2022): Studie zu möglichen Arbeitsfluiden bei Hochtemperatur-WärmepumpenDKV-Tagung 2022
  • Hollmann, J.; Fuchs, M.; Kabelac, S. (2022): Progress in the Development of LNG and Diesel-fueled SOFC Systems for Maritime ApplicationsEuropean Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC) 2022, 18. - 20. Mai 2022, Madrid, Spanien
  • T. Rittinghaus, S. Kabelac, B. Glasmacher (2021): Novel Float-Process For The Cryopreservation of Red Blood CellsCryobiology, Vol. 103, 2021, page 179, ISSN 0011-2240
  • Fuchs, M.; Heinrich, D.; Luo, X.; Kabelac, S. (2021): Thermal Performance Measurement Of Additive Manufactured High-Temperature Compact Heat Exchangers", 8th European Thermal Sciences Conference (EUROTHERM), 20. – 22.09.2021, VIRTUAL
  • Fuchs, M.; Luo, X.; Bender, W.; Schwarz, P.; Kabelac, S. (2021): Experimentelle Charakterisierung additiv gefertigter Kompakt-Hochtemperatur-Wärmeübertrager, 30. Deutscher Flammentag, 28. - 29.09.2021, Hannover-Garbsen
  • Cui, B.; Becker, K.; Lüdersen, U.; Gottschlich, M.; Kabelac, S. (2021): A study on the kinematics of a new Schukey-type rotary compressor12th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems, London 6-8 Sept. 2021 Weitere Informationen
  • Fuchs, M.; Bender, W.; Schwarz, P.; Kabelac, S. (2021): Kompakte Hochleistungs-Rekuperatoren mit 3D-Druck-Bauteilen für höchste Anforderungen, 3. Aachener Ofenbau- und Thermoprozess-Kolloquium, 07. - 08.10.2021, Aachen
  • R. Kahlfeld; I. Meyer; S. Kabelac; R. Lachmayer (2021): Design of a thermo-hydraulically optimised Heat Exchanger for production by Laser Powder Bed FusionInnovative Product Development by Additive Manufacturing, Hannover, 14.09.2021
  • Zimmermann, C.; Arnautovic, Z.; Weith, T.; Heberle, F.; Brüggemann, D.; Kabelac, S. (2021): New prediction method of mixture condensation heat transfer based on precise measurement of vapor-liquid equilibria of siloxane mixtures15th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 26.-28.07.2021 (Virtual)
  • Zimmermann, C.; Dagli, C. N.; Pruß, M.; Kabelac, S. (2021): Untersuchung der Modellgleichungen zur Kondensation binärer zeotroper Gemische“,Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppe Wärme- und Stoffübertragung, 24.-26.02.2021 (virtuell)
  • Fuchs, M.; Luo, X.; Kabelac, S. (2020): Charakterisierung von neuartigen Hochtemperatur-Wärmeübertragern und deren OptimierungsmöglichkeitenJahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppe Wärme- und Stoffübertragung, 12. März 2020, Erfurt
  • Luo, X.; Fuchs, M.; Kabelac, S. (2020): Auslegung von Wärmeübertragern mit unsicheren Parametern und stochastischen BetriebsbedingungenJahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppe Wärme- und Stoffübertragung, 12. März 2020, Erfurt
  • Marquardt, T.; Gimpel, T.; Hollmann, J.; Gabler, A.; Schade, W.; Kabelac, S. (2020): Characterization of femtosecond-laser-structured solid oxide electrolysis cell14th European SOFC & SOEC Forum, 20. - 23. Oktober 2020, Luzern, Schweiz (virtuell)
  • Luo, X: (2020): Stochastic Heat Transfer in Heat ExchangersCHEW, IIT Roorkee
  • Luo, X.; Zhou, G.-Y.; Cong, L.-W.; Fuchs, M.; Kabelac, S. (2019): Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in 3D-Printed High-Temperature Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers with OpenFoam25th National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, 28. - 31. Dezember 2019, Roorkee, Indien
  • Grimm, M.; Hellmann, M.; Kemmer, H.; Kabelac, S. (2019): Water management of PEM fuel cell systems based on the humidity distribution in the anode gas channelsEFCF, 2. - 5. Juli 2019, Luzern, Schweiz
  • Kabelac, S. (2019): tailoring radiative properties of nanofluidsICNF Castello, 26. - 28. Juni 2019, Castello, Spanien
  • Loth, M.; Breitzke, C.; Wieland, S.; Wachter, J.; Laufs, K.; Willers, F. (2019): Kühlung von Laserdioden - Entwicklung eines magnetokalorischen PrototypsDKV-Tagung 2019, Ulm
  • Steinhoff, R.; Luo, X.; Kabelac, S. (2019): Kondensation von R134a an dreidimensional strukturierten RohroberflächenProcessNet-Jahrestreffen, 18. - 20. März 2019, Essen
  • A. Gedik, A. Bode, T. Marquardt, S. Kabelac (2018): Influence of different hydrogen production processes on carbon footprint and cost of selected chemicalsACHEMA, 11. - 15. Juni, Frankfurt am Main
  • A. Gedik, J. Wachter, M. Loth, T. Tokan, S. Kabelac (2018): Simulation magnetokalorischer KälteprozesseDKV - Tagung, 21. - 23. November, Aachen
  • Steinhoff, R.; Luo, X.; Kabelac, S. (2018): Condensation heat transfer of R-134a on Single HorizontalThree-Dimensional Structured Tubes16th International Heat Transfer Conference, Peking, China
  • Loth, M.; Kabelac, S. (2018): Zustandsgleichungen für magnetokalorische MaterialienThermodynamik Kolloquium 2018, Kassel
  • Aeini, E.; Lange, A.; Kabelac, S. (2018): Experimentelle Untersuchung von R365mfc und R245fa und deren Gemische als Arbeitsfluid in einer ORC-TechnikumsanlageDeutsche Kälte- und Klimatagung 2018, Aachen
  • Aeini, E.; Larki Harchegani, H.; Nguyen, T.; Luo, X.; Kabelac, S. (2018): Experimental investigation of an Organic Rankine Cycle equipped with an eccentric rotary expander and fluids R365mfc and R245faLyon, Frankreich
  • Ebeling, J.-Chr.; Kabelac, S. (2016): Simulation and Experimental Validation of a 400 m Vertical CO2 Heat Pipe for Geothermal Application18th International Heat Pipe Conference, 12. - 16. Juni 2016, Jeju, Korea
  • Ebeling, J.-Chr.; Luo, X.; Kabelac, S.; Luckmann, S.; Kruse, H. (2016): Qusi-dynamic model for simulation of a 400m vertical CO2 heat pipe for geothermal application9th International Symposium on Heat Transfer, 15. - 19. August 2016, Beijing, China
  • Luo, X.; Polzin, A.-E.; Aeini, E.; Kabelac, S. (2015): Dynamic Simulation and Control of a Refrigeration System2nd International Workshop on Compact Heat Exchangers for Aerospace Applications, 21. - 22. Dezember 2015, Bengaluru, Indien
  • Ranganayakulu, C.; Luo, X.; Kabelac, S. (2015): The Single-blow Transient Testing Technique for Offset and Wavy Fins of Compact Plate-fin Heat Exchangers23rd National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, 17. - 20. Dezember 2015, Thiruvananthapuram, Indien
  • Eggers, J.; Kabelac, S. (2015): Nanofluids Revisited23rd National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, 17. - 20. Dezember 2015, Thiruvananthapuram, Indien
  • Polzin, A.-E.; Grabenstein, V.; Kabelac, S. (2015): Two-Phase Flow Patterns and their Implication on Pressure Drop in Plate Heat Exchangers23rd National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, 17. - 20. Dezember 2015, Thiruvananthapuram, Indien
  • Steinhoff, R.; Luo, X.; Kabelac, S. (2015): Experimental Investigation of Condensation Heat Transfer of Refrigerant R134A on Horizontal structured Tubes7th Baltic Heat Transfer Conference, 24. - 26. August 2015, Talinn, Estland
  • Ebeling, J.-Chr.; Kabelac, S. (2015): Thermohydraulik einer Erdwärmesonde mittlerer TiefeJahrestreffen der FG Trocknungstechnik und Wärme- und Stoffübertragung, 4. - 6. März 2015, Leipzig
  • Marquardt, T.; Valadez Huerta, G.; Kabelac, S. (2015): Modellierung eines thermoelektrochemischen Energiewandlers auf Basis der Thermodynamik irreversibler ProzesseDechema-ProcessNet Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, 5. - 7. Oktober 2015, Bochum
  • Ebeling, J.-Chr.; Kabelac, S.; Luckmann, S.; Kruse, H. (2015): Experience with the Operation of a CO2 Driven 400 m Geothermal ThermosyphonEuropean Heat Pump Summit, 20. - 21. Oktober 2015, Nürnberg
  • Tokan, T.; Kabelac, S.; Markmann, B. (2015): Experimental Results of the Behaviour of a Hybrid Ammonis/Water High Temperature Heat PumpEuropean Heat Pump Summit, 20. - 21. Oktober 2015, Nürnberg
  • Markmann, B.; Kabelac, S. (2015): Untersuchung des Wärmeüberganges bei der Resorption/Kondensation ammoniakreichen Dampfes in einer Hybrid-WärmepumpeDeutsche Kälte- und Klimatagung 2015, 18. - 20. November, Dresden
  • Kabelac, S. (2015): Enhanced Condensation in Compact Heat Exchangers2nd International Workshop on Compact Heatexchangers for Aerospace Applications, 21. - 22. Dezember 2015, Bengaluru, Indien
  • Eggers, J.; Kabelac, S. (2014): Radiative Properties of a Nanofluid Mixture15th International Heat Transfer Conference, 10. - 15. August 2014, Kyoto, Japan
  • Eggers, J.; Kabelac, S. (2014): Evaporation of Nanofluids15th International Heat Transfer Conference, 10. - 15. August 2014, Kyoto, Japan
  • Kessler, M.; Kabelac, S. (2014): Flow Instabilities in a Vertical Tube Reboiler13th International Conference on Simulation and Experiments in Heat Transfer and its applicatons, 2. - 4. Juli 2014, Coruna, Spanien
  • Müller, A.; Kabelac, S. (2014): The Experimental Determination of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop During Condensation in a Plate Heat Exchanger with Corrugated Plates13th International Conference on Simulation and Experiments in Heat Transfer and its Applications, 2. - 4. Juli 2014, Coruna, Spanien
  • Grabenstein, V.; Kabelac, S. (2013): Experimental Investigation and Modeling of condensation in a Plate Heat Exchanger8th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynsmics, 16. - 20. Juni 2013, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Kabelac, S. (2013): Thermodynamics of Solar RadiationEurotherm Seminar No. 98, 4. - 5. Juli 2013, Wien, Österreich
  • Lüddecke, T.; Kabelac, S. (2012): CFD Enhanced Vibrating Wire ViscometryVDI-Process Net Thermodynsmik-Kolloquium, 2012, Potsdam
  • Dragon, M.; Kabelac, S. (2012): Energy and exergy analysis of a hybrid diesel-fueled solid oxide fuel cell systemVDI-Process Net Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, 2012, Potsdam
  • Grabenstein, V.; Kabelac, S. (2012): Experimental and theoretical analysis of the local condensation heat transfer in a plate heat exchangerJournal of Physics, 6th Eurotherm conf. Poitieirs, Frankreich
  • Kabelac, S. (2011): Cooling concepts for PEM-fuel cellsH2Expo, 8. - 9. Juni 2011, Hamburg
  • Monte, C.; Kabelac, S.; et al. (2011): Intercomparison "Emissivity of thermal paints" in the temperature range from 100°C to 800°C19th ECTP, 28. August - 1. September 2011, Thessaloniki, Griechenland
  • Mersmann, I.; Kabelac, S. (2010): Simulation of a hybrid ammonia/water high temperature heat pumpISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, 4. - 6. Januar 2010, Mumbai, Indien
  • Kabelac, S.; Freund, S. (2010): Local convective heat transfer coefficients in plate heat exchangersISHMT-AMSE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, 4. - 6. Januar 2010, Mumbai, Indien
  • Kabelac, S. (2010): Analysis of local heat transfer in plate heat exchangers for flow pattern optimisation14th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, 8. - 13. August 2010, Washington DC, USA
  • Grabenstein, V.; Kabelac, S. (2010): Experimental investigations and modelling of condensation in plate heat exchangers14th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, 8. - 13. August 2010, Washington DC, USA
  • Luo, X.; Gao, Y.; Kabelac, S. (2010): Experimental investigation on natural circulation in a thermosyphon reboiler14th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, 8. - 13. August 2010, Washington DC, USA
  • Kabelac, S. (2010): Measurement of Local Heat Transfer Coefficients in Confined SpacesInternational Workshop on Compact Heat Exchangers for Aerospace Applications, 8. - 9. Januar 2010, Bangalore, Indien
  • Hashmi, S.M.; Kabelac, S. (2009): Temperature distribution in PEM-FC stacksHydrogen & Fuel Cells 2009, 31. Mai - 3. Juni 2009, Vancouver, Kanada
  • Kabelac, S.; Anoop, K.B. (2008): Experimental convective heat transfer with nanofluidsProc. 6th Int. ASME Conf. Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, 23. - 25. Juni 2008, Darmstadt
  • Kabelac, S. (2008): Sind Netzwerke universell? Selbstorganisation in der ThermodynamikWissenschaftsforum Hamburg, November 2008, Hamburg
  • Kabelac, S. (2008): Thermodynamic basics of solar radiation5th European Thermal-Science Conference, 18. - 22. Mai 2008, Eindhoven, Niederlande
  • Kabelac, S. (2007): Convective Heat Transfer Performance of NanofluidsProc. 14th Int. Heat Pipe Conf., 22. - 27. April 2007, Brasilien
  • Freund, S.; Kabelac, S. (2007): Local Heat Transfer Coefficients at Aerodynamic Vortex Generators Measured with Temperature Oscillation IR ThermographyProc. 6th Int. Conference on Enhanced, Compact and Ultra-Compact Heat Exchangers, November 2007, Potsdam
  • Kabelac, S.; Freund, S. (2007): Local Two-Phase Flow Heat Transfer in Plate Heat ExchangersProc. ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Oktober 2007, Vancouver, BC, Kanada
  • Kabelac, S. (2006): Evaporation in Plate Heat ExchangersWorkshop on Compact Heat Exchangers, Januar 2006, Madres, Indien
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2006): Calculation of pressure derivates in the classical MD ensemble3rd international Conference on Foundations of Molecular Modeling and Simulation, 9. - 14. Juli 2006, Blaine, WA, USA
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2006): Measurements of the speed of sound in the refrigerants 227ea and 365mfc in the liquid phase16th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, 30. Juli - 4. August 2006, CO, USA
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2006): Thermotechnical treatmen of fluid-fluid interfaces within density gradient theory16h Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, 30. Juli - 4. August 2006, CO, USA
  • Freund, S.; Kabelac, S. (2006): Local Heat Transfer Coefficients in Plate heat Exchangers Measured with Temperature Oscillation IR ThermographyProc. 13th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, 13. - 18. August 2006, Syndey, Australien
  • Kabelac, S.; Kuhnke, F. (2006): Heat Transfer Mechanisms in NanofluidsProc. 13th Int. Heat Transfer Conf., 13.- 18. August 2006, Sydney, Australien
  • Kabelac, S. (2006): Verdampfung von Ammoniak und R134a in PlattenwärmeübertragernDKV-Jahrestagung, November 2006, Dresden
  • Kabelac, S.; Li, P.; Luo, X. (2005): An experimental investigation of fluid flow and heat transfer with nanoparticle suspensions in small helically coiled tubes1st Int. Conf. Micro- and Minnichannels, 21. - 23. April 2005, New York, USA
  • Kabelac, S.; Gengenbach, J.; Koirala, L. (2005): Measurements of directional spectral emissivities of microstructured surfacesProc. of the 17th Europ. Conf. Thermophys. Prop., September 2005, Bratislava, Slowakei
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2005): Messungen der Schallgeschwindigkeit im Flüssigkeitsgebiet der kältemittel Propan, Propen und R 227 eaDKV-Jahrestagung, November 2005, Würzburg
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2005): Measurements of the speed of sound in liquid propane under high pressureThermodynamics 2005, 6. - 8. April 2005, Sesimbra, Portugal 17th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, 5. - 8. September 2005, Bratislava, Slowakei
  • Freund, S.; Kabelac, S. (2005): Measurement of Local Convective Heat Transfer Coefficients with Temperature Oscillation IR Thermography and Radiant HeatingASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, 17. - 22. Juli 2005, San Francisco, CA, USA
  • Kabelac, S. (2004): Skalenfreie NetzeWorkshop "Selbstorganisation in Natur und Gesellschaft" des Wissensforum, November 2004, Hamburg
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2003): Decay of time-correlation functions and molecular transport mechanisms in the Lennard-Jones fluid from MD-simulationsThe 2nd International Onsager conference: 'Transport, Dissipaton and Vortices' on the Occasion of Lars Onsager's 100th Anniversary, 1. - 5. Juni 2003, Trondheim, Norwegen
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2003): An apparatus for measurements of the speed of sound liquids under high pressures15th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, 22. - 27. Juni 2003, Boulder, CO, USA
  • Meier, K.; Kolzknecht, C.; Kabelac, S.; Olbrich, S.; Chmielewski, K. (2003): 3D visualization of molecular simulations in high-performance parallel computing environmentssecond International Conference on Foundations of Molecular Modeling and Simulation, 6. - 11. Juli 2003, Keystone, CO, USA
  • Ghoshdastidar, P.S.; Kabelac, S. (2002): Computer simulation of pool boiling water by coupled map lattice methodProc. of the 5th ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Januar 2002, Kolkata, India
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2002): Interpretation of the viscosity and self-diffusion coefficient of the Lennard-Jones model fluid within relaxation time concept6th Liblice Conference on Statistical Mechanics of Liquids, 9. - 14. Juni 2002, Spindlermühle, Tschechien
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2002): Computer simulation evidence for the critical enhancement of the thermal conductivity of the Lennard-Jones model fluid17th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, 28. Juli - 2. August 2002, Rostock
  • Linnemann, C.; Kabelac, S. (2002): Understanding reversible operation of electrochemical energy converters - A key to fuel cell irreversibilitiesProc. 15th Int. Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization and Simulation, 2002, Berlin
  • Meier, K.; Laesecke, A.; Kabelac, S. (2001): The 'critical' enhancement of the bulk viscosity of the Lennard-Jones fluid from equilibrium molecular-dynamics simulationsThermodynamics 2001, 4. - 6. April 2001, Bristol, UK
  • Kabelac, S.; Ghoshdastidar, P.S. (2001): The coupled map lattice approach to boilingIIF-IIR-Commission BI, Mai 2001, Paderborn
  • Meier, K.; Laesecke, A.; Kabelac, S. (2000): A molecular-dynamics study of the self-diffusion coefficient and viscosity of the Lennard-Jones fluid14th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, 25. - 30. Juni 2000, Boulder, CO, USA
  • Labuhn, D.; Kabelac, S. (2000): Entopy of radiation fluxesProc. 3rd Europ. Thermal Sci. Conf., 10. - 13. September 2000, Heidelberg
  • de Buhr, H.-J.; Kabelac, S. (2000): Flow boiling of ammonia and ammoina-oil mixtures in a plain and a low finned horizontal tubeProc. of the 3rd European Thermal Science Conference, 10. - 13. September 2000, Heidelberg
  • Meier, K.; Laesecke, A.; Kabelac, S. (2000): Molekulardynamische Simulation des Selbstdiffusionskoeffizenten und der Viskosität des Lennard-Jones FluidsVDI Thermodynamik Kolloquium, 5. - 6. Oktober 2000, Frankfurt am Main
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (1999): Thermodynamic and transport properties at gaseous states from molecular-dynamics simulationsThermodynamics 99, 14. - 16 April 1999, London, UK
  • Kabelac, S. (1999): Impact of Enhanced Tubing on Reboiler PerformanceHeat Transfer, Proceedings of the AlChE-Spring Meeting 1999, Houston
  • Meier, K.; Tillner-Roth, R.; Kabelac, S.; Edwarda, T. J. (1997): Monte Carlo simulations of binary Lennard-Jones mixtures: A test of thevan der Waals one-fluid model13th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, 22. - 27. Juni 1997, Boulder, CO, USA
  • Meier, K.; Tillner-Roth, R.; Kabelac, S. (1997): Monte Carlo Simulation binärer Lennard-Jones Gemische: Mischungsregeltest für Ein-Fluid ModelleVDI Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, 6. - 8. Oktober 1997, Frankfurt am Main

Beiträge in Tagungsbänden

  • C. Menze, M. Itterheim, H.-C. Möhring, J. Stegmann, S. Kabelac (2023): Fluid Dynamics and Influence of an Internal Coolant Supply in the Sawing ProcessFluid Dynamics and Influence of an Internal Coolant Supply, WGP 2022, LNPE, pp. 246–255, 2023
  • A. Tismer, C. Menze, P. Straub, J. Stegmann, St. Riedelbauch, H.-C. Moehring, S. Kabelac (2023): Simulation-based evaluation of the 3D fluid dynamics of a coolant lubricant in the narrow-closed cutting gap during circular sawingElsevier, ScienceDirect, 19th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations, Procedia CIRP 117 (2023) 402-407
  • A. van der Heiden, M. Willke, J. Beckmann, N. Steveker, F. Staehrfeldt, J. Mellmann, F. W. Fritsch, P. Nachtigal, D. Mimic (2023): Students designing a hydrogen-powered UAV: A flying test bench for lightweight energy systemsKonferenzband Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2023 - 19.-21. Sept. 2023
  • A. Gedik (2022): 1D Modeling of an Electrolyte Supported Planar SOFC with 8YSZ and 10Sc1CeSZ based on Non-Equilibrium ThermodynamicsEHCF 2022, 15th European SOFC & SOE Forum, July 6-8, 2022, S. 841-852, Proceedings
  • M. Fuchs, D. Heinrich, X. Luo and S. Kabelac (2021): Thermal performance measurement of additive manufactured high-temperature compact heat exchangers, 2021, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2116)
    DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2116/1/012095
  • Zimmermann, C.; Arnautovic, Z.; Weith, T.; Heberle, F.; Brüggemann, D.; Kabelac, S. (2021): New prediction method of mixture condensation heat transfer based on precise measurement of vapor-liquid equilibria of siloxane mixtures15th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 26.-28. Juli 2021, S. 1504-1509, Proceedings
  • Luo, X.; Zhoub, G-Y.; Cong, L.-W., Fuchs, M.; Kabelac, S. (2019): Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in 3D-Printed High-Temperature Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers with OpenFoamProceedings of the 25th and 3rd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and mass Transfer Conference, IIT Roorkee, India, 28.-31.12.2019
  • Polzin, A.-E.; Kabelac, S.; de Vires, B. (2016): Two-phase flow patterns in adiabatic and diabatic corrugated plate gapsJournal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 745, Technical sessions 032111
  • Abdalla, M.; Pechmann, H.; Müller-Ebhardt, J.; Kabelac, S. (2015): Density of the Refrigerant Fluids of R365mfc and R152a: Measurement and PredictionScottish Journal of Arts, Social Sciences and Scientific Studies, Vol. 26
  • Eggers, J.; Kabelac, S. (2014): Radiative Properties of a Nanofluid Mixture15th International Heat Transfer Conference, 10. - 15. August 2014, Kyoto, Japan
  • Eggers, J.; Kabelac, S. (2014): Evaporation of Nanofluids15th International Heat Transfer Conference, 10. - 15. August 2014, Kyoto, Japan
  • Grabenstein, V.; Kabelac, S. (2013): Experimental Investigation and Modeling of condensation in a Plate Heat Exchanger8th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynsmics, 16. - 20. Juni 2013, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Lüddecke, T.; Kabelac, S. (2012): CFD Enhanced Vibrating Wire ViscometryVDI-Process Net Thermodynsmik-Kolloquium, 2012, Potsdam
  • Grabenstein, V.; Kabelac, S. (2012): Experimental and theoretical analysis of the local condensation heat transfer in a plate heat exchangerJournal of Physics, 6th Eurotherm conf. Poitieirs, Frankreich
  • Mersmann, I.; Kabelac, S. (2010): Simulation of a hybrid ammonia/water high temperature heat pumpISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, 4. - 6. Januar 2010, Mumbai, Indien
  • Kabelac, S.; Freund, S. (2010): Local convective heat transfer coefficients in plate heat exchangersISHMT-AMSE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, 4. - 6. Januar 2010, Mumbai, Indien
  • Kabelac, S. (2010): Analysis of local heat transfer in plate heat exchangers for flow pattern optimisation14th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, 8. - 13. August 2010, Washington DC, USA
  • Grabenstein, V.; Kabelac, S. (2010): Experimental investigations and modelling of condensation in plate heat exchangers14th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, 8. - 13. August 2010, Washington DC, USA
  • Luo, X.; Gao, Y.; Kabelac, S. (2010): Experimental investigation on natural circulation in a thermosyphon reboiler14th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, 8. - 13. August 2010, Washington DC, USA
  • Kabelac, S. (2010): Measurement of Local Heat Transfer Coefficients in Confined SpacesInternational Workshop on Compact Heat Exchangers for Aerospace Applications, 8. - 9. Januar 2010, Bangalore, Indien
  • Hashmi, S.M.; Kabelac, S. (2009): Temperature distribution in PEM-FC stacksHydrogen & Fuel Cells 2009, 31. Mai - 3. Juni 2009, Vancouver, Kanada
  • Freund, M.; Würsig, G.M.; Kabelac, S. (2009): Simulation Tool to Evaluate Fuel and Energy Consumption8th Confeence Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries, Budapest, Ungarn
  • Kabelac, S.; Anoop, K.B. (2008): Experimental convective heat transfer with nanofluidsProc. 6th Int. ASME Conf. Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, 23. - 25. Juni 2008, Darmstadt
  • Kabelac, S. (2008): Sind Netzwerke universell? Selbstorganisation in der ThermodynamikWissenschaftsforum Hamburg, November 2008, Hamburg
  • Kabelac, S. (2008): Thermodynamic basics of solar radiation5th European Thermal-Science Conference, 18. - 22. Mai 2008, Eindhoven, Niederlande
  • Kabelac, S. (2007): Convective Heat Transfer Performance of NanofluidsProc. 14th Int. Heat Pipe Conf., 22. - 27. April 2007, Brasilien
  • Freund, S.; Kabelac, S. (2007): Local Heat Transfer Coefficients at Aerodynamic Vortex Generators Measured with Temperature Oscillation IR ThermographyProc. 6th Int. Conference on Enhanced, Compact and Ultra-Compact Heat Exchangers, November 2007, Potsdam
  • Kabelac, S.; Freund, S. (2007): Local Two-Phase Flow Heat Transfer in Plate Heat ExchangersProc. ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Oktober 2007, Vancouver, BC, Kanada
  • Kabelac, S. (2006): Evaporation in Plate Heat ExchangersWorkshop on Compact Heat Exchangers, Januar 2006, Madres, Indien
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2006): Calculation of pressure derivates in the classical MD ensemble3rd international Conference on Foundations of Molecular Modeling and Simulation, 9. - 14. Juli 2006, Blaine, WA, USA
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2006): Measurements of the speed of sound in the refrigerants 227ea and 365mfc in the liquid phase16th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, 30. Juli - 4. August 2006, CO, USA
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2006): Thermotechnical treatmen of fluid-fluid interfaces within density gradient theory16h Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, 30. Juli - 4. August 2006, CO, USA
  • Freund, S.; Kabelac, S. (2006): Local Heat Transfer Coefficients in Plate heat Exchangers Measured with Temperature Oscillation IR ThermographyProc. 13th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, 13. - 18. August 2006, Syndey, Australien
  • Kabelac, S.; Kuhnke, F. (2006): Heat Transfer Mechanisms in NanofluidsProc. 13th Int. Heat Transfer Conf., 13.- 18. August 2006, Sydney, Australien
  • Kabelac, S. (2006): Verdampfung von Ammoniak und R134a in PlattenwärmeübertragernDKV-Jahrestagung, November 2006, Dresden
  • Kabelac, S. (2005): A 2 MW vertical thermosyphon reboiler rig to study reboiler transients and instabilitiesHTFS RS1154; R6D Note 15, 2005
  • Kabelac, S.; Li, P.; Luo, X. (2005): An experimental investigation of fluid flow and heat transfer with nanoparticle suspensions in small helically coiled tubes1st Int. Conf. Micro- and Minnichannels, 21. - 23. April 2005, New York, USA
  • Kabelac, S.; Gengenbach, J.; Koirala, L. (2005): Measurements of directional spectral emissivities of microstructured surfacesProc. of the 17th Europ. Conf. Thermophys. Prop., September 2005, Bratislava, Slowakei
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2005): Messungen der Schallgeschwindigkeit im Flüssigkeitsgebiet der kältemittel Propan, Propen und R 227 eaDKV-Jahrestagung, November 2005, Würzburg
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2005): Measurements of the speed of sound in liquid propane under high pressureThermodynamics 2005, 6. - 8. April 2005, Sesimbra, Portugal 17th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, 5. - 8. September 2005, Bratislava, Slowakei
  • Freund, S.; Kabelac, S. (2005): Measurement of Local Convective Heat Transfer Coefficients with Temperature Oscillation IR Thermography and Radiant HeatingASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, 17. - 22. Juli 2005, San Francisco, CA, USA
  • Kabelac, S. (2004): Skalenfreie NetzeWorkshop "Selbstorganisation in Natur und Gesellschaft" des Wissensforum, November 2004, Hamburg
  • Kabelac, S. (2003): Exergie der solaren EinstrahlungVDI-Bericht 1746 "Fortschrittliche Energiewandlung und -anwendung 2003", Düsseldorf
  • Kabelac, S. (2003): Energie der solaren EinstrahlungVDI-Bericht 1746 "Fortschrittliche Energiewandlung und -anwendung 2003", Düsseldorf
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2003): Decay of time-correlation functions and molecular transport mechanisms in the Lennard-Jones fluid from MD-simulationsThe 2nd International Onsager conference: 'Transport, Dissipaton and Vortices' on the Occasion of Lars Onsager's 100th Anniversary, 1. - 5. Juni 2003, Trondheim, Norwegen
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2003): An apparatus for measurements of the speed of sound liquids under high pressures15th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, 22. - 27. Juni 2003, Boulder, CO, USA
  • Meier, K.; Kolzknecht, C.; Kabelac, S.; Olbrich, S.; Chmielewski, K. (2003): 3D visualization of molecular simulations in high-performance parallel computing environmentssecond International Conference on Foundations of Molecular Modeling and Simulation, 6. - 11. Juli 2003, Keystone, CO, USA
  • Ghoshdastidar, P.S.; Kabelac, S. (2002): Computer simulation of pool boiling water by coupled map lattice methodProc. of the 5th ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Januar 2002, Kolkata, India
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2002): Interpretation of the viscosity and self-diffusion coefficient of the Lennard-Jones model fluid within relaxation time concept6th Liblice Conference on Statistical Mechanics of Liquids, 9. - 14. Juni 2002, Spindlermühle, Tschechien
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2002): Computer simulation evidence for the critical enhancement of the thermal conductivity of the Lennard-Jones model fluid17th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, 28. Juli - 2. August 2002, Rostock
  • Linnemann, C.; Kabelac, S. (2002): Understanding reversible operation of electrochemical energy converters - A key to fuel cell irreversibilitiesProc. 15th Int. Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization and Simulation, 2002, Berlin
  • Meier, K.; Laesecke, A.; Kabelac, S. (2001): The 'critical' enhancement of the bulk viscosity of the Lennard-Jones fluid from equilibrium molecular-dynamics simulationsThermodynamics 2001, 4. - 6. April 2001, Bristol, UK
  • Kabelac, S.; Ghoshdastidar, P.S. (2001): The coupled map lattice approach to boilingIIF-IIR-Commission BI, Mai 2001, Paderborn
  • Meier, K.; Laesecke, A.; Kabelac, S. (2000): A molecular-dynamics study of the self-diffusion coefficient and viscosity of the Lennard-Jones fluid14th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, 25. - 30. Juni 2000, Boulder, CO, USA
  • Labuhn, D.; Kabelac, S. (2000): Entopy of radiation fluxesProc. 3rd Europ. Thermal Sci. Conf., 10. - 13. September 2000, Heidelberg
  • de Buhr, H.-J.; Kabelac, S. (2000): Flow boiling of ammonia and ammoina-oil mixtures in a plain and a low finned horizontal tubeProc. of the 3rd European Thermal Science Conference, 10. - 13. September 2000, Heidelberg
  • Meier, K.; Laesecke, A.; Kabelac, S. (2000): Molekulardynamische Simulation des Selbstdiffusionskoeffizenten und der Viskosität des Lennard-Jones FluidsVDI Thermodynamik Kolloquium, 5. - 6. Oktober 2000, Frankfurt am Main
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (1999): Thermodynamic and transport properties at gaseous states from molecular-dynamics simulationsThermodynamics 99, 14. - 16 April 1999, London, UK
  • Kabelac, S. (1999): Impact of Enhanced Tubing on Reboiler PerformanceHeat Transfer, Proceedings of the AlChE-Spring Meeting 1999, Houston
  • Meier, K.; Tillner-Roth, R.; Kabelac, S.; Edwarda, T. J. (1997): Monte Carlo simulations of binary Lennard-Jones mixtures: A test of thevan der Waals one-fluid model13th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, 22. - 27. Juni 1997, Boulder, CO, USA
  • Meier, K.; Tillner-Roth, R.; Kabelac, S. (1997): Monte Carlo Simulation binärer Lennard-Jones Gemische: Mischungsregeltest für Ein-Fluid ModelleVDI Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, 6. - 8. Oktober 1997, Frankfurt am Main
  • Kabelac, S. (1996): ReboilersAdvances in Industrial Heat Transfer
  • Kabelac, S.; Baehr, H.D. (1989): Leistungszahl und volumetrische Kälteleistung der ozonunschädlichen Kältemittel R 152 a und R 134 a im Vergleich zu R 12DKV-Tagungsbericht Bd. 2, 16, S. 181 - 200


  • Asgar Vagapov (2024): Modellierung, Identifikation und modellbasierte Regelung des Niedertemperaturkühlkreislaufs eines NutzfahrzeugsDissertation
  • Jonas Breitinger (2023): Water Management in Highly Dynamic PEM Fuel Cell System Operation
  • Conrad Zimmermann (2023): Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen zur Kondensation binärer zeotroper Gemische
  • Marlene Johanna Fischer (2022): Experimentell-theoretische Untersuchung zur Optimierung eines SOFC-Systems mit Anodengasrezirkulation
  • Tobias Marquardt (2022): Prozesskettenanalyse der Wasserstofferzeugung mittels Methanpyrolyse und Festoxid-WasserelektrolyseLeibniz Universität Hannover
  • Bin Cui (2022): Experimentelle und numerische Analyse eines Rotationskammer (RC) - Verdichters zur Anwendung im Luftkälteprozess
  • Pablo Radici (2022): Measurement of Transport Coefficients in Electrolytes Applying Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
  • Fehres, Felix Nils (2021): Schallgeschwindigkeitsmessungen in Seewasser bei hohen DrückenLeibniz Universität Hannover
  • Ru Wang (2021): Experimental investigation and modelling of condensation in micro-structured plate heat exchangers
  • Polzin, Anja-Elsa (2020): Verdampfung und Kondensation in Plattenwärmeübertragern mit mikrostrukturierter OberflächeLeibniz Universität Hannover
  • Markmann, Benjamin (2019): Wärmeübergang bei der Absorption ammoniakreichen durch wässrige Lösung im PlattenwärmeübertragerLeibniz Universität Hannover
  • Valadez Huerta, Gerardo (2019): Modelling and Simulation of the Transport Mechanisms in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Molecular Dynamics and Non-Equilibrium ThermodynamicsLeibniz Universität Hannover
  • Eggers, J. R. (2016): Strahlungsabsorbierende Nanofluide und deren VerdampfungsverhaltenLeibniz Universität Hannover
  • Oehme, Felix Frederik (2015): Modellierung und experimentelle Untersuchung der thermischen Abluftentfeuchtung multifunktionaler BrennstoffzellensystemeHelmut-Schmidt-Universität/ Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
  • Abdalla, Momin Elhadi (2014): Density and Phase Equilibria of the Environmentally Friendly Refrigerant Mixture {R152a, R365mfc}Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • Grabenstein, Volker (2014): Experimentelle Untersuchung und Modellierung der Kondensation in Plattenwärmeübertragern, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität, 2014Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität, 2014
  • Freund, M. (2012): Holistic Analysis of Onboard Consumption and Efficency of the Energy Systems of ShipsUniversität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Oktober 2012, Hamburg
  • Freund, Sebastian (2007): Local Heat Transfer Coefficients Measured with Temperature Oscillation IR ThermographyHelmut-Schmidt-Universität, Universität der Bundeswehr, Hamburg, 12, 2007"
  • Holzknecht, C. (2006): Berechnungen zu fluiden Phasengrenzen mit Ansätzen für die freie Energie im Vergleich mit molekulardynamischen SimulationenHelmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg, 2006
  • Dobreva, Petia (2005): Experimentelle Bestimmung der Wärmekapazität teilkristalliner Polymere und ihre ModellierungUniversität Hannover, 6.4.2005
  • André, Matthias (2004): Wärmeübergang bei der Verdampfung von Ammoniak in PlattenwärmeübertragernUniversität Hannover
  • de Buhr, H.-J. (2003): Wärmeübergang und Druckverlust beim Strömungssieden von Ammoniak in horizontalen RohrenUniversität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
  • Ute Thron (2001): Vorausschauende selbstadaptierende Heizungsregelung für SolarhäuserDissertation Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • Kabelac, S. (1987): Die Berechnung des Zeitverhaltens berippter Kreuzstrom-WärmeübertragerUniversität Hannover

Originalarbeiten in rezensierten Zeitschriften

  • D. Liu, H. Oldenhof, X. Luo, T. Braun, H. Sieme (2024): Cooling dynamics of droplets exposed to solid surface freezing and vitrificationElsevier, Cryobiology 115 (2024) 104879
  • J. Jensen, B. Schiebler, S. Kabelac, F. Giovannetti (2024): Modeling of solar thermal heat pipe collectors with overheating prevention in system simulationsElsevier, Solar Energy 282 (2024) 112861
  • J. Hagedorn, R. Kahlfeld, M. Nageler, S. Kabelac (2024): Investigation of the operating characteristic of a demand-controlled 368 m deep CO2 thermosyphon geothermal borehole heat exchanger for building heatingJournal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 2766 012106, 9th European Thermal Sciences conference (Eurotherm 2024) 10.-13.06.24 Lake Bled, Slovenia
    DOI: https://DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/2766/1/012106
  • R. Kahlfeld, F. Mueller, H. Muentefering, P. Gembarski, R. Steinhoff, S. Kabelac (2024): A novel type of additively manufactured high pressure mini-channel heat exchanger for precooling in hydrogen refueling stationsJournal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 2766 012187, 9th European Thermal Sciences conference (Eurotherm 2024) 10.-13.06.24 Lake Bled, Slovenia
  • M. Nozinski, B. P. Benam, C. De Servi, S. Kabelac, C. Falsetti (2024): Physically based heat exchanger sizing method for the thermal management system of all-electric regional aircraftJournal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 2766 012101, 9th European Thermal Sciences conference (Eurotherm 2024) 10.-13.06.24 Lake Bled, Slovenia
  • A. Gedik, J. Wachtel, S. Kabelac (2024): Comparative Analysis of Loss Mechanism Localization in a Semi-2D SOEC Single Cell Modell: Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics versus Monocausal-Based ApproachECS Adv. 3 014501
  • J. Stegmann, M. Baumert, S. Kabelac, Ch. Menze, J. Ramme, H.-C. Möhring (2024): Assessment of the heatTransfer Conditions in the Cavity of a Rotating Circular SawEnergies 2024, 17, 3189
  • C. Zimmermann, N. Lubos, S. Kabelac (2024): Experimental Heat Transfer Coefficients for Zeotropic Mixture Condensation of Hexamethyldisiloxane/Octamethyltrisiloxane and Ethanol/HexamethyldisiloxaneChemie Ingenieur Technik, Vol. 96, Issue 8, pages 1123-1130
  • M. Fuchs, C. Dagli, S. Kabelac (2024): Shape Optimization of Heat Exchanger Fin Structures Using the Adjoint Method and Their Experimental ValidationMDPI, Energies 2024, 17, 1246
  • M. Fuchs, N. Lubos, S. Kabelac (2023): Numerical Calculation of the Irreversible Entropy Production of Additively Manufacturable Off-Set Strip Fin Heat-Transferring StructuresMDPI, entropy 2023, 25, 162
  • Arne Müller, Anja-Elsa Polzin und Stephan Kabelac (2023): Mehrstrom-Plattenwärmetauscher für Kondensation und VerdampfungSpringer Vieweg, Cham - Innovative Wärmetauscher, 2023, Book, pages 173-193
  • Keuter, R.J.; Niebuhr, F.; Nozinski, M.; Krüger, E.; Kabelac, S.; Ponick, B (2023): Design of a Direct-Liquid-Cooled Motor and Operation Strategy for the Cooling SystemEnergies
  • J. Hollmann, S. Kabelac (2023): Steady-state and Transient Operation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems with Anode Off-gas Recirculation within a Highly Constrained Operating RangeMDPI, Energies 2023, 16, 7827
  • C. Zimmermann, N. Lubos, C. Dagli, S. Kabelac (2023): Mixture Condensation of Ethanol/Water and Ethanol/Siloxane in a Vertical Double PipeChemie Ingenieur Technik 2023, 95, No. 5, S. 1-9
  • M. Willke, N-E. Rahm, S. Kabelac (2023): Experimental Investigation of Coupled Transport Mechanisms in a PEM Based Thermoelectric Energy ConverterEnergies 2023, 16, 5434
  • Z. Arnautovic, C. Zimmermann, M. Hamza, F. Heberle, S. Kabelac, D. Brueggemann (2023): Measurements of Thermophysical Properties of Ethanol + Hexamethyldisiloxane and Ethanol + Octamethyltrisiloxane Mixtures in the Temperature Range of 293-343 K at 100 kPaJournal Chemical & Engineering Data - accepted 29.8.23
  • C. Menze, D. Gutsche, R. Eisseler, T. Stehle, H.-C. Moehring, J. Stegmann, S. Kabelac (2023): Visualisierung der Spanbildung beim Sägen mit IKZWT Werkstatttechnik, Titelthema, Band 112 (2022) Nr. 01-02
  • J. Breitinger, M. Hellmann, H. Kemmer, S. Kabelac (2023): Automotive Fuel Cell Systems: Testing Highly Dynamic ScenariosMDPI, Energies 2023, 16, 664 "
  • M. Fuchs, S. Kabelac (2023): Numerische Berechnung der irreversiblen Entropieproduktion in wärmeübertragenden StrukturenWiley Online Library, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 2023, 95, No. 5, S. 692-700
  • A. Gedik, J. Hesse, S. Kabelac (2023): A characteristic map as an approach for rapid estimating the thermal conductivity of high-temperature oxide ceramics demonstrated on 10Sc1CeSZElsevier, Ceramics International Volume 49, Issue 23, Part A, 1 December 2023, Pages 38015-38025
  • Lianxiang Ma, Xiangzeng Liu, Yu Gao, Wei Li, Zan Wu, Xing Luo, Zhi Tao, Stephan Kabelac (2023): R410A and R32 condensation heat transfer and flow patterns inside horizontal micro-fin and 3-D enhanced tubesInternational Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier
  • Kun Sun, Guo-Yan hou, Xing Luo, Shan-Tung Tu, Yuan-Yuan Huang (2022): Study on enhanced heat transfer performance of open-cell metal foams based on a hexahedron modelNumerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 16.06.22
  • J. Zhang, J. Wang, W. Li, Z. Liu, S. Kabelac, Z. Tao, L. Mai, W. Tang, S.A. Sherif (2022): R410A flow boiling in horizontal annular channels of enhanced tubes, part I: Pressure drop - Ébullition en écoulement de R410A dans les canaux annulaires horizontaux des tubes améliorés, Partie I : Chute de pressionScience Direct, International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 137, pages 70-79
  • Z. Ding, W. Li, L. Wang, L. Zhao, S. A. Sherif, R.Wang, S. Kabelac (2022): Experimental Study on CaCO3 Fouling Characteristics During Falling Film EvaporationJournal of Solar Energy Engineering, Volume 144, Issue 2, April 2022"
  • Christian Menze, Tim Reeber, Hans-Christian Möhring, Jan Stegmann, Stephan Kabelac (2022): Modelling of sawing processes with internal coolant supplyElsevier, Manufacturing Letters, Vol. 32, April 2022, Pages 92-95
  • M. Lörcher, S. Behrens, A. Böttger, C. Lange, C. Schräer, X. Luo, S. Kabelac (2022): Numerische Untersuchung des Abkühlverhaltens von eingetafelten SchokoladenproduktenChemie Ingenieur Technik
  • S. Kabelac, R. Brendel, G. Seckmeyer (2022): Die Wärmepumpe, Dreh- und Angelpunkt der WärmewendeUnimagazin 3-4 2022
  • M. Fuchs, X. Luo, S. Kabelac (2022): Influence of axial heat conduction in solid walls and fins on the overall thermal performance of an additively manufactured high-temperature heat exchangerApplied Thermal Engineering 212 (2022) 118566
  • M. Loth, S. Kabelac (2022): Simulation of Compression Heat Pump Cycles Using NH3/H2O Mixtures to Estimate Their Working DomainsChemie Ingenieur Technik
  • S. Kabelac, C. Zimmermann, S. Wendt (2022): Thermodynamische Untersuchung des Einsatzpotenzials aktiv gekühlter ErdkabelLeitungsbau Brunnenbau Geothermie, Jahresmagazin
  • Tim Rittinghaus, S. Kabelac, M. Lörcher, B. Glasmacher (2022): Float-Freezing: Ein innovatives Verfahren zur Kryokonservierung von BlutKI Kälte-Luft-Klimatechnik-11 2022, S. 46-49
  • Hollmann, J.; Fuchs, M.; Spieker, C.; Gardemann, U.; Steffen, M.; Luo, X.; Kabelac, S. (2022): System Simulation and Analysis of an LNG-Fueled SOFC System Using Additively Manufactured High Temperature Heat ExchangersEnergies 2022, 15(3), 941
  • A. Gedik, N. Lubos, S. Kabelac (2022): Coupled Transport Effects in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell ModelingEntropy 2022, 24(2), 224
  • A. Vagapov, A. Herzog, A. Waiz, P. Neumann, B. Rohloff, S. Kabelac (2022): Dynamic model of the temperature downstream to an indirect charge-air cooler considering heat losses to the environmentElsevier, Applied Thermal Engineering , 14. April 2022, 118434
  • C. Menze, D. Gutsche, R. Eisseler, T. Stehle, H.-C. Möhring, J. Stegmann, S. Kabelac (2022): Spanbildung im geschlossenen Schnittspalt beim Sägen mit innerer Kühlschmiermittelzufuhr - Visualisierung der Spanbildung beim Sägen mit IKZ WT WERKSTATTSTECHNIK BD. 112 (2022) NR. 01-02
  • Jonas Breitinger (2022): Flooding Characteristics and Countermeasures in a PEM Fuel Cell SystemECS Transactions, The Electrochemical Society
  • Loth, M.; Kabelac, S. (2021): Zukünftige Hochtemperatur-Wärmepumpen: Anwendungsbereich der Hybrid-WärmepumpeBWK Energie 3 - 4 2021, S. 57 - 61
  • Marquardt, T.; Wendt, S.; Kabelac, S. (2021): Impact of Carbon Dioxide on the Non-Catalytic Thermal Decomposition of MethaneChemEngineering 2021, 5, 12.
  • Li, W.; Wang, J.; Guo, Y.; Shi, Q.; He, Y.; Kukulka, D.; Luo, X.; Kabelac, S. (2021): R410A flow condensation inside two dimensional micro-fin tubes and three dimensional dimple tubesInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 182 (2022)
  • Wang, R.; Kabelac, S. (2021): Condensation quasi-local heat transfer and frictional pressure drop of R1234ze(E) and R134a in a micro-structured plate heat exchangerApplied Thermal Engineering 197 (2021) 117404
  • Lin, Y.; Li, J.; Luo, Y. Li, W.; Luo, X.; Kabelac, S.; Cao, Y.; Minkowycz, W. (2021): Conjugate heat transfer analysis of bubble growth during flow boiling in a rectangular microchannelInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 181 (2021) 21828
  • Ahrens, M. U.; Loth, Ml; Tolstorebrov, I.; Hafner, A.; Kabelac, S.; Wang, R.; Eikevik, T. M. (2021): Identification of Existing Challenges and Future Trends for the Utilization of Ammonia-Water Absorption–Compression Heat Pumps at High Temperature OperationApplied Sciences, 2021, 11, 4635 MDPI
  • Cui, B.; Becker, K.; Gottschlich, M.; Lüdersen, U.; Kabelac, S. (2021): Parameterstudie eines neuartigen Rotationskammer (RC)-VerdichtersKI Kälte- Luft - Klimatechnik 10 2021 D 7438, Seite 42 ff.
    ISSN: 1865-5432
  • Wang, R.; Sun, T.; Polzin, A.; Kabelac, S. (2021): Experimental investigation of the two‑phase local heat transfer coefficients for condensation of R134a in a micro‑structured plate heat exchangerHeat and Mass Transfer
  • Zimmermann, C.; Dagli, C. N.; Arnautovic, Z.; Kabelac, S. (2021): Sensitivity of the Non-Equilibrium Approach for Mixture Condensation to Heat and Mass Transfer Correlations and Thermophysical PropertiesJournal of Heat Transfer, September 2021, Vol 143 / 094503-1
  • Wang, Ru; Zhang, Yifan, Li, Wei; Kabelac, S. (2021): Flow pattern, heat transfer and frictional pressure drop investigation of R365mfc condensation in a micro-structured corrugated gap with mixed anglesApplied Thermal Engineering, Elsevier, Volume 201, Part B, 25 January 2022, 117812
  • Zheng, D.; Yang, J.; Wang, J.; Kabelac, S.; Sunden, B. (2021): Analyses of thermal performance and pressure dro in a plate heat exchanger filled with ferrofluids under a magnetic fieldFuel 293 (201) 120432, Elsevier
  • Radici, P.; Valadez Huerta, G.; Geesmann, N.; Kabelac, S. (2021): A novel method to determine the transport coefficients of an YSZ electrolyte based on impedance spectroscopySolid Stae Ionics, Vol. 363
  • Polzin, A.-E.; Gimpel, T.; Zwosta, S.; Bomm, A.; Schade, W.; Kabelac, S. (2020): Experimental results on two-phaseheattransfer enhancement in microstructured corrugated plate heat exchangersExperimental Heat Transfer
    DOI: 10.1080/08916152.2020.1822954
  • T.Marquardt, J.Kube, P.Radici, S.Kabelac (2020): Experimental investigation of a thermocell with proton exchange membrane and hydrogen electrodesInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 45, S. 12680 - 12690
  • T. Marquardt, A. Bode, S. Kabelac (2020): Hydrogen production by methane decomposition: Analysis of thermodynamic carbon properties and process evaluationEnergy Conversion and Management, Volume 221
  • Loth, M.; Breitzke, C.; Wieland, S.; Wachter, Kabelac, S. (2020): Kühlung von Laserdioden - Entwicklung eines magnetokalorischen PrototypsKälte, Luft, Klimatechnik-Ingenieurwesen in Forschung und Praxis, S. 44-49
  • Grimm. M., Hellmann, M., Kemmer H., Kabelac S. (2020): Water Management of PEM Fuel Cell Systems Based on the Humidity Distribution in the Anode Gas ChannelsWiley Online Library
    DOI: 10.1002/fuce.202000070
  • Marquardt, T; Hollmann, J.; Gimpel, T.; Schade, W.; Kabelac, S. (2020): Femtosecond Laser-Induced Surface Modification of the Electrolyte in Solid Oxide Electrolysis CellsEnergies, 13(24), 6562
  • Zimmermann, C.; Lemcke, F. J.; Kabelac, S. (2019): Nusselt numbers from numerical investigations of turbulent flow in highly eccentric horizontal annuliInternational Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 109 10433, Elsevier
  • L. Raeisian, J. R. Eggers, E. Matthias Lange, T. Mattke, A. Bode, S. Kabelac (2019): On the controversy of Nanofluid Rheological BehaviorInternational Journal of Thermophysics
  • B. Markmann, T. Tokan, M. Loth, J. Stegmann, K.-H. Hartmann, H. Kruse, S. Kabelac (2019): Experimental results of an absorption-compression heat pump using the working fluid ammonia/water for heat recovery in industrial processesInternational Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 99, S. 59 - 68
    ISSN: 0140-7007
  • H. Wang, G. Zhou, X. Luo, S. Kabelac, S., T. Tu (2019): The single-blow transient test technique using pulse change inlet condition with optimized pulse width and matching timeHeat and Mass Transfer
  • Valadez Huerta, G.; Reus, L.; Kabelac, S. (2018): A Diffusity Study of (Sc2O3)0.1(CeO2)0,01(ZrO2)0.89 between 1100 and 1500 K at Zero Pressure with Molecular DynamicsJ. Chem. Eng. Data 63, S. 1955 - 1960
  • Valadez Huerta, G.; Flasbart, V.; Marquardt, T.; Radici, P.; Kabelac, S. (2018): Impact of Multi-Causal Transport Mechanisms in an Electrolyte Supported Planar SOFC with (ZrO2)x-1(Y2O3)x ElectrolyteEntropy
  • Wohlers, C.; Juris, P.; Kabelac, S.; Ponick, B. (2018): Design and direct liquid cooling of tooth-coil windingsElectrical Engineering
  • Valadez Huerta, G.; Siemen M.; Kabelac S. (2018): Approach to the Coulomb Contribution of Thermodynamic Properties from the Mean Electrostatic Potential of the Ions in (ZrO2)1 x(Y2O3)xJ. Phys. Chem., S. 62 - 70
  • Valadez Huerta, G.; Álvarez Jordán, J.; Marquardt, T.; Dragon, M.; Leites, K.; Kabelac, S. (2018): Exergy analysis of the diesel pre-reforming SOFC-system with anode off-gas recycling in the SchIBZ project. Part II: system exergetic evaluationInt. J. Hydrogen Energy
  • Valadez Huerta, G.; Álvarez Jordán, J., Dragon, M.; Leites, K.; Kabelac S. (2018): (2018): Exergy analysis of the diesel pre-reforming solid oxide fuel cell system with anode off-gas recycling in the SchIBZ project. Part I: Modeling and validationInt. J. Hydrogen Energy 43, S. 16684 - 16693
  • T.Marquardt, G.Valadez Huerta, S.Kabelac (2018): Modeling a thermocell with proton exchange membrane and hydrogen electrodesInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43, S. 19841 - 19850
  • Siemer, M.; Marquardt, T.; Valadez Huerta, G.; Kabelac, S. (2017): Local Entropy Production Rates in a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel CellJ. Non-Equilib. Thermodyn. 2017, Vol. 42, No. 1, S. 1 - 30
  • Grabenstein, V.; Polzin, A.-E.; Kabelac, S. (2017): Experimental investigation of the flow pattern, pressure drop and void fraction of two-phase flow in the corrugated gap of a plate heat exchangerIJMF Vol. 91, S. 155 - 169
  • Valadez Huerta, G.; Kelle, A.; Kabelac, S. (2017): A phenomenological study of yttria-stabilized zirconia at 1300 K with the Green-Kubo formulation and equilibrium molecular dynamicsChemical Physics 485-486, S. 108 - 117
  • Cruz Champion, H.; Kabelac, S. (2017): Multifunctional fuel cell system for civil aircraft: Study of the cathode exhaust gas dehumidificationInt. J. of Hydrogen Energy Vol. 42, S. 29518 - 29531
  • Luckmann, S.; Kruse, H; Ebeling, J. C.; Kabelac, S. (2017): Anwendung des natürlichen Stoffes Kohlendioxid in Erdwärmepumpen - Der Weg zur größeren WärmeleistungDie Kälte+Klimatechnik Weitere Informationen
  • Ebeling, J.-C.; Luo, X.; Kabelac, S.; Luckmann, S.; Kruse, H.: (2017): Dynamic simulation and experimental validation of a two-phase closed thermosyphon for geothermal applicationPropulsion and Power Research, Vol. 6, Issue 2, June 2017, Pages 107-116
  • Ebeling, J.-Chr.; Kabelac, S.; Luckmann, S.; Kruse, H. (2016): Mitteltiefe Geothermie - 400 m tiefe CO2 Erdwärmesonden im VergleichKälte, Luft, Klimatechnik 11
  • Wang, J.; Cui, G.; Yuan, X.; Luo, X.; Kabelac, S. (2016): Bi-level heat exchanger network synthesis with evolution method for structure optimization and memetic particle swarm optimization for parameter optimizationEngineering Optimization, Vol. 49, No. 3, S. 401 - 416
  • Ranganayakulu, C.; Luo, X.; Kabelac, S. (2016): The single-blow transient testing technique for offset and wavy fins of compact plate-fin heat exchangersApplied Thermal Engineering
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2016): Speed-of-Sound Measurements in Compressed Nitrogen and Dry AirJ. Chem. Eng. 61, S. 3941 - 3951
  • Ebeling, J.-C.; Kabelac, S.; Luckmann, S.; Kruse, H. (2016): Mitteltiefe Geothermie - 400 m tiefe CO2-Erdwärmesonden im VergleichKI Kälte-Luft-Klimatechnik 11, S. 50 - 55
  • Eggers, J.; Lange, E. M.; Kabelac, S. (2016): Particle Migration in Isobaric and Flash Evaporation of NanofluidsForschung im Ingenieurwesen 80, S. 101 - 109
    DOI: 10.1007/s10010-016-0205-x
  • Eggers, J.; Kabelac, S. (2015): Absorption and Scattering Behavior of Nanofluids in the Visible RangeInt. J. Therophys. 36, S. 2769 - 2783, 2015
  • Kabelac, S.; Kessler, M. (2013): Experimentelle Untersuchung des dynamischen thermohydraulischen Verhaltens eines NaturumlaufverdampfersChemie Ingenieur Technik 85, S. 1465 - 1466
  • Kabelac, S.; Müller, A. (2013): Experimentelle Bestimmung des Wärmeübergangs und des Druckverlusts bei der Kondensation im vertikalen PlattenspaltChemie Ingenieur Technik 85, S. 1465 - 1466
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2013): Measurements of the Speed of Sound in Liquid TolueneJ. Chem. Eng. 58, S. 1398 - 1406
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2013): Measurements of the Speed of Sound in the Refigerants HFC227ea and HFC365mfc in the Liquid Regions,J. Chem. Eng. 58, S. 446 - 454
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2013): Measurements of the Speed of Sound in Propene in the Liquid and Supercritical RegionsJ. Chem. Eng. 58, S. 1624 - 1628
  • Anoop, K.B.; Das, Sarit K.; Kabelac, S. (2013): Experimental convective heat transfer studies in a turbulent flow regime using alumina-water nanofluidsQscience Connect 2013:39
  • Kabelac, S.; Conrad, R. (2012): Entropy Generation During the Interaction of Thermal Radiation with a SurfaceEntropy 2012, 14, S. 717 - 735
  • Yu, B.; Zhang, W.; Xu, J.; Chen, J.; Luo, X.; Kabelac, S. (2012): Preparation and electrochemical behaviour of dense YSZ film for SOECInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37, S. 12074 - 12080
  • Wang, X.; Yu, B.; Zhang, W.; Chen, J.; Luo, X.; Kabelac, S. (2012): Microstructual modification of the anode/electrolyte interface of SOEC for hydrogen productionInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37, S. 12833 - 12838
  • Rabah, A. A.; Kabelac, S. (2010): A simplified solution of the regenerator periodic problem: the case for air conditioningForsch.Ingenieurwesen 74, S. 207 - 214
  • Freund, S.; Kabelac, S. (2010): Investigation of local heat transfer coefficients in plate heat exchangers with temperature oscillation IR thermography and CFDInt.J.Heat and Mass Transfer 53, S. 3764 - 6781
  • Shi, Z.-Y.; Chen, J.-P.; Grabenstein, V.; Kabelac, S. (2010): Experimental investigation on condensation heat transfer and pressure drop of R134a in a plate heat exchangerHeat and Mass Transfer 43, S. 1177 - 1186
  • Buongiorno, J.; Kabelac, S; et al. (2009): A benchmark study on the thermal conductivity of nanofluids.J. Applied Physics 106, S. 94312
  • Anoop, K.B.; Kabelac, S; Sundararajan, T.; Das, S.K. (2009): Rheological and flow characteristics of nanofluids: Influence of Electroviscous effects and particle agglomerationJ. Applied Physics 106, S. 34909
  • Rabah, A. A.; Fekete, A.; Kabelac, S. (2009): Experimental investigation on a rotary regenerator operating at low temperaturesJ.Thermal Science and Engineering Applic. 1, S. 041004 - 041013
  • Djordjevic, E.; Kabelac, S. (2008): Flow boiling of R 134a and ammonia in a plate heat exchangerInt. J. Heat Mass Transfer 51, S. 6235 - 6242
  • Rabah, A.; Kabelac, S. (2008): Flow boiling of R 134a and R 134a – propane mixtures at low saturation temperatures inside a plain horizontal tubeJ. Heat Transfer 130, S. 61501 - 61600
  • Djordjevic, E.; Kabelac, S; Serbanovic, S. (2008): Heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop during refrigerant R-134a Condensation in a plate heat exchangerChemical Papers (Slovak Ac.Sci) 62, S. 78 - 85
  • Freund, S.; Kabelac, S. (2007): IR Measurement of Temperature Oscillations to Investigate Convective Heat Transfer Coefficients on Heat ExchangersInt. J. Heat Exchangers
  • Freund, S.; Pautsch, A.G.; Shedd, T.A.; Kabelac, S. (2007): Local Heat Transfer Coefficients in Spray Cooling Systems measured with Temperature Oscillation IR ThermographyInt. J. Heat Mass Transfer 50, S. 1953 - 1962
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2006): Thermodynamic Properties of Propane. IV. Speed of Sound in the Liquid and Supercritical RegionsJournal of chemical & engineering data, Bd. 77
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2006): Pressure derivates in the classical molecular-dynamics ensembleJ. Chem. Phys., 124,S. 10
  • Meier, K.; Kabelac, S. (2006): Speed of sound instruments for fluids with pressures up to 100 MpaRev. Sci. Instrum., 77, S. 8
  • Kabelac, S. (2005): Exergy of solar radiationInt. J. Energy Technology and Policy, 3, S. 115 - 122
  • Meier, K.; Laesecke, A.; Kabelac, S. (2005): Transport coefficients of the Lennard Jones model Fluid. III. Bulk viscosityJ. Chem. Phys., 122, S. 1 - 9
  • Kabelac, S.; Siemer, M.; Ahrendts, J. (2005): Thermodynamische Stoffdaten für BiogaseForsch. Ingenieurwesen 70, S. 46 - 55
  • Das, S.; Putra, N.; Kabelac, S.: (2004): An experimental investigation of pool boiling on narrow horizontal tubesExperimental Heat Transfer, 17, S. 131 - 146
  • Meier, K. ; Laesecke, A.; Kabelac, S. (2004): Transport coefficients of the Lennard-Jones model fluid. I. ViscosityJ. Chem. Phys., 121, S. 3671 - 3687
  • Meier, K.; Laesecke, A.; Kabelac, S. (2004): Transport coefficients of the Lennard-Jones model Fluid. II Self-diffusionJ. Chem. Phys.,121, S. 9526 - 6535
  • Ghoshdastidar, P.; Kabelac, S.; Mohanty, A. (2004): Numerical modelling of atmospherie pool boiling by the coupled map lattice methodJ. Mech. Engng. Sci 218, S. 195 - 205
  • Meier, K.; Holzknecht, Ch.; Kabelac, S.; Olbrich, S.: (2004): 3 D-visualization of molecular simulations in high performance parallel computing environmentsMol. Simul. 30, S. 469 - 477
  • André, M.; Kabelac, S. ; de Vries, B. (2003): Wärmeübergang bei der Verdampfung von Ammoniak in einem PlattenwärmeübertragerChemie Ingenieur Technik (CIT) 75, S. 1628 - 1633
  • Kabelac, S. (2003): Entropy production in solar energy conversionEnergy and Environment by Chen, K.; Tong, T. and Sarlos, G., (Eds.), Shanghai Scientific and Techn. Publishers, Vol. 1
  • Siemer, M.; Kabelac, S.: (2003): Loss mechanisms in fuel cellsEnergy and Environment by Chen, K.; Tong, T. and Sarlos, G., (Eds.), Shanghai Scientific and Techn. Publishers, Vol. 1
  • Holzknecht, C.; Kabelac, S.; Klante, D.; Eggers, R. (2002): Berechnung des Benetzungsverhaltens von Flüssigkeiten auf Teflon in einer verdichteten Stickstoffatmosphäre mit der DichtegradiententheorieForschung im Ingenieurwesen 67, S. 45 - 55
  • Klante, D.; Eggers, R.; Holzknecht, C.; Kabelac, S. (2002): Grenzflächenenergien von Teflon und verschiedenen Flüssigkeiten in einer verdichteten StickstoffatmosphäreForschung im Ingenieurwesen 67, S. 56 - 71
  • Schoppe, I.; Wendler, D.; Linnemann, C., Rosenwinkel, K. H.; Kabelac, S. (2002): Die Brennstoffzelle – Option zur nachhaltigen Erzeugung von Wärme und Strom auf KläranlagenKA – Abwasserwirtschaft, Abwasser, Abfall 49, S. 470 - 476
  • Labuhn, D.; Kabelac, S. (2001): The spectral directional emissivity of photovoltaic surfacesInt. J. Thermophys. 22, S. 1577 - 1592
  • Kabelac, S.; de Buhr, H.-J. (2001): Flow boiling of ammonia in a plain and a low finned horizontal tube.Int. J.of Refrigeration 24, S. 41 - 50
  • Meier, K.; Laesecke, A.; Kabelac, S. (2001): A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Self-Diffusion Coefficient and Viscosity of the Lennard-Jones FluidInt. J. Thermophys. 22, S. 161 - 173
  • Labuhn, D.; Kabelac, S. (2000): Measurements of emittance and degree of polarisation of surfaces for solar energy convertersHigh Temperatures – High Pressures 32, S. 677 - 686
  • Labuhn, D.; Kabelac, S. (1999): Optimierung des Wirkungsgrades von StrahlungsenergiewandlernForsch. Ingenieurwes. 65, S. 21 - 30
  • Meier, K.; Tillner-Roth, R.; Kabelac, S. und Edwards, T.J. (1998): Monte Carlo Simulations of binary Lennard-Jones Mixtures.Int. J. Thermophysics 19, S. 687 - 696
  • Kabelac, S. (1998): Die Schallgeschwindigkeit als thermodynamische ZustandsgrößeForsch. Ingenieurwes. 64, S. 47 - 54
  • Kabelac, S.; Drake, D. (1992): The entropy of terrestral solar radiationSolar Energy 48, S. 239 - 248
  • Kabelac, S. (1991): A new look at the maximum conversion efficiency of black body radiation.Solar Energy 46, S. 231 - 236
  • Kabelac, S. (1991): A simple set of equations of state for process calculations and its application to R 134 a and R 152 aInt J of Refrigeration 14, S. 217 - 222
  • Kubosch, K.; Kabelac, S.; Stegemann, D.; Baehr, H.D. (1989): Untersuchungen zeitabhängiger Vorgänge an luftgekühlten WärmeübertragernAutomatisierungstechnik at, 37, S. 194 - 198
  • Kabelac, S. (1989): The transient response of finned crossflow heat exchangersInt. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer 32, S. 1183 - 1189
  • Baehr, H.D.; Kabelac, S. (1989): Vorläufige Zustandsgleichungen für das ozonunschädliche Kältemittel R 134 aKi Klima-Kälte-Heizung 17, S. 69 - 71
  • Kabelac, S. (1988): Zur Berechnung des Zeitverhaltens von WärmeübertragernWärme- und Stoffübertragung 23, S. 365 - 370


  • Luo, X. (2019): Design and Operation of Heat Exchangers and their NetworksAcademic Press,
    ISBN: 9780128178942
  • Müller, A.; Polzin, A.-E.; Kabelac, S. (2018): Multi-stream Plate-and-Frame Heat Exchangers for Condensation and EvaporationInnovative Heat Exchangers
  • Baehr, H.-D.; Kabelac, S. (2016): Thermodynamik, 16. Aufl.
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-49568-1
    ISBN: 978-3-662-49568-1
  • Kabelac, S. (2013): VDI-Wärmeatlas, K1; K2; K3, 11. Aufl.
    ISBN: 978-3-642-19981-3
  • Luo, X.; Roetzel, W. (2013): WärmeübertragernetzwerkeVDI-Wärmeatlas, 11. Aufl., C5, S. 123 - 132
  • Ahrends, J.; Kabelac, S. (2013): Technische Thermodynamik - Das Ingenieurwissen
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-41120-5
    ISBN: 978-3-642-41120-5
  • Baehr, H.-D.; Kabelac, S. (2012): Thermodynamik, 15. Aufl.
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-24161-1
    ISBN: 978-3-642-24161-1
    ISSN: 0937-7433
  • Baehr, H.D.; Kabelac, S. (2009): Thermodynamik. 14. Aufl.
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-00556-5
    ISBN: 978-3-642-00556-5
    ISSN: 0937-7433
  • Kabelac, S. (2009): VDI-Heatatlas 2. Aufl., K1; K2; K3
    ISBN: 978-3-540-79999-3
    ISSN: 2512-5281
  • Ahrendts, J.; Kabelac, S. (2008): Technische Thermodynamik (Kapitel F)Hütte: Das Ingenieurwissen 33. Aufl.
  • Baehr, H.D.; Kabelac, S. (2006): Thermodynamik, 13. Aufl.,
    ISBN: 3-540-32513-1
    ISSN: 0937-7433
  • Kabelac, S. (2006): VDI-Wärmeatlas, 10. Aufl.
    ISBN: 978-3540255031
  • de Buhr, H.-J.; Kabelac, S. (1999): Aluminium als Werkstoff für NH3 Kälteanlagen. – Teil 3: WärmeübertragungAiF-Forschungsvorhaben Nr. 10798/3
  • Kabelac, S. (1991): Thermodynamik der Strahlung
  • Kabelac, S. (1987): Die Berechnung des Zeitverhaltens berippter Kreuzstrom-WärmeübertragerUniversität Hannover