Fuel Cells and Water Electrolysis

Contact Person:
Maike Willke, Cagatay Necati Dagli, Pascal Köhler
Typical topics for theses:
- Experimental characterization of SOFC/SOEC/PEMFC single cells
- Modeling of transport processes in electrochemical cells
- Modeling and control of fuel cell and electrolysis systems
Thermodynamic Cycle Processes

Contact Person:
Marius Nozinski, Jonas Hesse
Typical topics for theses:
- Modeling and experimental investigations on heat pumps
- Modeling and design of single-phase or two-phase cyclic processes
- Experimental investigations on CO2 geothermal probes
Thermal Characterization of Hybrid Electric Aircraft
Thermal Characterization of Hybrid Electric Aircraft
If you are interested, please contact Marius Nozinski.
Heat and Mass Transfer

Contact Person:
Marco Fuchs, Conrad Zimmermann, Robin Kahlfeld, Jan Stegmann, Sebastian Wendt
Typical topics for theses:
- CFD simulations for the optimization of heat exchangers
- Investigations on heat transfer at structured surfaces
- Experimental studies on mixture condensation
Heat transfer at functionalized surfaces
Development of an image analysis for measuring the contact angle of refrigerants Experimental investigation of the wetting behavior on functionalized surfaces
Experimental investigation of the stability of functionalized surfaces
Substance Data Investigations
High-precision measurements of heat capacities of different cooling lubricants using Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)
Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Coefficients
Experimental investigation of convective heat transfer coefficients of KSS impingement flows
Students of the Industrial Engineering and Business Studies program who are looking for a programming assignment in the context of the module "Scientific Computing II" on the following topics
- Fuel Cells and Water Electrolysis
- Heat Transfer
- Cycles
- Equations of State
can contact Marius Nozinski and make an inquiry about available topics.
The Institute for Solar Energy Research in Hamelin (ISFH) regularly offers student work in the field of "Photovoltaics" and "Solar Systems", which is supervised by the Institute of Thermodynamics as external work. Contact person at the ISFH is Mr. Julian Jensen.
Contact for general questions about student theses

30823 Garbsen