- Institut
- Studies
Areas of Research
Fuel Cells and Water Electrolysis
Research Projects
- TEN.efzn - Landesgraduiertenkolleg Wasserstoff und Wasserstoffderivat Ammoniak
- The Electrochemical Thermocell based on a PEM with two Hydrogen Electrodes
- Characterization and Modeling of Solid Oxide Cells (SOC's).
- Experimental Determination of Phenomenological Coefficients for Modeling Heat and Mass Transfer in Ion-Conducting Oxide Ceramics
- High-temperature fuel cells (SOFC) in Aviation
Research Projects
- Thermodynamic Cycle Processes
Heat and Mass Transfer
Research Projects
- Kontinuierliche Kryokonservierung von Erythrozytenkonzentrat im Float-Verfahren
- Additiv gefertigte Innenstrukturen für Kompakt-Wärmeübertrager
- Entwicklung additiv gefertigter Hochdruck-Minchannel-Wärmeübertrager für den Einsatz in Wasserstofftankstellen
- Flow Patterns and Heat Transfer in a Vertical Two-Phase Corrugated Tube Geothermal Probe
- CO2 Geothermal Probes for Heat Pump Operation
- Evaporation and Condensation in Plate Heat Exchangers with Functionalized Surfaces from a Femtosecond Laser Process
Research Projects
Fuel Cells and Water Electrolysis
- Research Projects
- Publications
Areas of Research
- Cooperations