Lecture announcement winter semester 2023/24
The lecture "Thermodynamics I" together with the lecture "Chemistry" represents a compulsory module in the Bachelor's degree programs "Mechanical Engineering" and "Energy Technology".
The lecture introduces the energetic balancing of systems and deepens it by means of examples from energy technology. Students first learn about different forms of energy, balance spaces and balance methods in order to perform quantitative calculations based on the 1st law (HS) for open and closed systems. The 2nd law introduces the concept of entropy, which can be used to evaluate the different forms of energy. This knowledge can then be applied to engineering systems such as the simple compression refrigeration system and heat engine. In addition, students learn simple models derived from the thermodynamic fundamental equations to calculate material properties.
Balance sheets and balance sheet areas
State quantities for the description of states
Thermal equations of state
Energy balance equations for open and closed systems (1st law of thermodynamics)
The refrigeration unit as an example process
Entropy and the 2nd law of Thermodynamics
Entropic equations of state


30823 Garbsen