Lecture announcement winter semester 2023/24
The development and provision of energy conversion paths that are free of CO2 emissions is a central task in engineering. Building on the fundamentals of technical thermodynamics and the fundamentals of electric drives, the module introduces photovoltalics and solar thermal energy to direct conversion of electromagnetic solar radiation. Furthermore, wind energy supply, energy supply of buildings and quarters on the basis of heat pumps, combined heat and power plants and other components are treated.
After successful completion of the module, students are able to master the following key aspects
- quantitatively describe different zero-emission energy supply strategies for the building, industry, and transportation sectors
- design the associated components and make an initial economic estimate
- Energy conversion - fundamentals (primary energy / useful energy / energy flow diagrams / cycle processes)
- Meteorology (solar radiation / wind)
- Photovoltaics (Fundamentals / Systems)
- Solar thermal (low temperature / high temperature)
- Systems (buildings, quarters, grids, heat pump, storage, combined heat and power plants)
- Wind
- Biomass
This module is carried out jointly with the Institute for Turbomachinery and Fluid Dynamics (TFD) and the Institute for Solar Energy Research Hamelin (ISFH).

30823 Garbsen