Fuel cell systems and water electrolysis will play an essential role in the future energy system. The fields of application range from mobile applications in vehicles to decentralized energy supply for housing estates. Depending on the application, different types of fuel cells and electrolyses are distinguished. While cells based on a polymer electrolyte (PEMFC / PEMEC) are the focus for dynamic and mobile applications, cells with a ceramic electrolyte (SOFC / SOEC) are of particular interest for stationary applications.
- Model-based analysis of PEMFCs, SOFCs and SOECs (steady-state and transient)
- Experimental analysis of SOFC's and SOEC's (single cell to short stack)
- Model-based and experimental analysis of system components (heat exchangers and injectors)
- Thermodynamic system analysis (energetic and exergetic optimization)
- PEM-based thermoelectrochemical generator