Thermodynamics of Chemical Processes

Thermodynamics plays a crucial role in the development, optimization and design of processes involving chemical reactions. In lecture and exercise fundamental thermodynamic concepts are repeated, deepened and the application in current processes and in new developments e.g. in the field of hydrogen is shown.


  • Thermodynamics of chemical reactions (reaction equilibrium, energy conversion, stoichiometry)
  • Fundamental terms from reaction kinetics and electrochemistry
  • Calculation models for substance properties
  • Application of the current calculation programs CHEMCAD and EES
  • Examples: Hydrogen, synthesis gas and methanol production
© IfT, Leibniz Universität Hannover
© IfT, Leibniz Universität Hannover


Block event, dates will follow


Appointments by arrangement



Dr.-Ing. Andreas Bode
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Bode